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HCG 5000 iu

$55 $60
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is a powerful peptide hormone found in pregnant women. In 1920, it was discovered and was extracted by the pharmaceutical’s biggest brand, Organon under the name of Pregnyl. Initially, HCG was used to treat cryptorchidism, depression, obesity, uterine bleeding, and female infertility. By the end of the 1960s, the HCG extraction was no longer required, as more advanced methods of producing cleaner HCG hormone was developed. In today’s times, it is used as the therapeutic setting for bodybuilders and athletes to promote weight loss and treat low testosterone (side effect of anabolic steroid).


HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is a powerful peptide hormone found in pregnant women. In 1920, it was discovered and was extracted by the pharmaceutical’s biggest brand, Organon under the name of Pregnyl. Initially, HCG was used to treat cryptorchidism, depression, obesity, uterine bleeding, and female infertility. By the end of the 1960s, the HCG extraction was no longer required, as more advanced methods of producing cleaner HCG hormone was developed. In today’s times, it is used as the therapeutic setting for bodybuilders and athletes to promote weight loss and treat low testosterone (side effect of anabolic steroid).
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) is a pituitary produced hormone that stimulates sex in the testes and ovaries and is also a natural analog of HCG.  This hormone binds and activates the receptors that stimulate the production of estrogen in women and testosterone in males, which is similar to the function of LH.

In the modern times, HCG is produced with by isolation process from the urine of pregnant women, which requires extensive purification. This hormone is created in the placenta of the pregnant women during the beginning of the trimester, and placenta also produces progesterone in large quantities. HCG is also used to test pregnancy, and the production reaches its peak point within 8-12 weeks and gradually decreases until the baby’s birth.
HCG primary function resides in its ability to act like LH, which results in both therapeutic and performance advantages. LH plays a vital role in female patients for gonadotropins conception, and it is also responsible for natural testosterone production. Anabolic steroid users use HCG to treat low testosterone problems, and it also plays a major role in Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) along with Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs). 
The best effects of HCG in the modern era are its diet aid. The American Medical Association and American Society of Bariatric Physicians both have been highly critical of the HCG diet. This diet includes a low calorie consumption of 500 calories per day, along with monitored injection of HCG steroid. Even though many physicians have appreciated the fast fat loss effects of HCG, the starvation factor has received a lot of criticism.
HCG affects two primary aspects of anabolic steroid users, PCT and on cycle use. As the natural testosterone production goes very low in cases of anabolic steroid use, and HCG helps bring back the normal levels up during the recovery cycle. Such plans also include SERM’s like Nolvadex and Clomid, to ensure the enhancement of total recovery. Once all the steroids in the body are discontinued, the exogenous LH and HCG make the recovery road less bumpy. Body can easily become dependent on HCG and hence, its monitored dose is essential.

HCG is considered as one of the most tolerable and well-adjusted steroids for both men and women. Despite its convenient use, there are some side effects that one can undergo in case of its prolonged use. The primary side effect of HCG is related to high levels of testosterone and Hynecomastia and water retention are also possible side effects, but by taking anti-estrogen medicines, these side effects can be easily controlled. During PCT, the HCG doses are normally very high, but their life-cycle is short lived, which decreases the chances of the side effects. Body can easily get dependent on the LH steroid, if abused, and the dependency can further suppress the natural production of testosterone.
There are certain precautions that one should take while using HCG, to avoid the possible side effects and abuse of the hormone. For females, the HCG dose should be taken during the menstrual cycle and 5,000-10,000 IU is considered adequate. For low testosterone treatments, 500-1,000 IU 3 times per week is considered ideal for short term use. For long term use, the dose can range from 4,000 IU 3 times a week for 9 months.
With prolonged use of anabolic steroids, you can develop testicular atrophy and sensitivity. To avoid these side effects in anabolic users, a normal dose of 100 IU every other day is included with the steroid package, and this use should not last for more than 6 weeks. Also, gets regular blood testing to check the presence of these hormones in your body, and if the levels are higher than normal, you should consider lowering the dose.

HCG is readily available in the pharmaceutical markets as well as black markets.
There are many low-grade HCG floating the industry, which makes buying the right
product a challenge. HCG is expensive on pharmaceutical stores and is easily
available for half the price on black market. Mix HCG and sterile water together and
place the remainder in the refrigerator for later uses, else it will become unfit
for injection.

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Aaron Smith

This works great for low testosterone! Please let get it back in stock.